LADWP, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), offers the SoCal WaterSmart Rebate Program for residential and multi-family customers owners (1-4 units) to promote the use of water conservation products.
Landscaping and Irrigation
Weather-Based Irrigation Controller Rebate
Up to $200 per controller for less than one acre of irrigated landscape; $35 per station for 1 acre or more of irrigated landscape. Cannot be combined with a Soil Moisture System rebate.
Soil Moisture Sensor System Rebate
Up to $200 per unit and Up to $35 per station. Must include a sensor, calibrator and irrigation controller. Cannot be combined with a Weather-Based Irrigation Controller rebate.
Rotating Nozzles Rebate
Up to $6 per nozzle. Limit one rebate per household, minimum 15 nozzles. For an overview of available rebate products and a list of qualifying models, go to SoCal Water$mart.
Smart Hose Bib Irrigation Controller Rebate
Up to $35. Limit one per household. Upgrade your hose to an advanced system of water management.
Rain Barrel Rebate
Up to $50. Limit two per household. Cannot be combined with Cistern rebate.
Cistern Rebate
Up to $500. Limit 1 per household, minimum 200 gallon size. Cannot be combined with rain barrel rebates.
Turf Replacement Rebate
$5 per sq. ft. for LADWP customers. Replace existing turf with California Friendly® plants, mulch, and/or rain capture. Application pre-approval required.
Free Trees: Up to 7 free trees available through City Plants.
Tree Rebates: LADWP customers participating in the Turf Replacement Rebate are eligible for tree rebates through this SoCal Water $mart rebate program.
Water Flow/Leak Detection

Up to $150.
Qualifying devices monitor water use and help detect leaks on customer property, not devices installed on utility meters. Qualifying applicants must be single-family customers, have reliable Wi-Fi at the installation location, and have a smart device such as a smartphone or tablet.
For a list of qualifying models and to apply, visit SoCal Water$mart.
Clothes Washer
Up to $500. Limit 1 per installation address.
High efficiency clothes washer must meet or exceed the CEE Tier 1 standard.
For a list of qualifying models and to apply, visit SoCal Water$mart.


$250 per unit per household.
Must upgrade toilet from 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) or greater to a 1.1 gpf or less.
For a list of qualifying models and to apply, visit SoCal Water$mart.
How to Apply
All SoCal Water $mart applications must be submitted through the Metropolitan Water District SoCal Water $mart website.
All questions about the rebate application process should be directed to SoCal Water$mart at 1-888-376-3314.
As part of the rebate application process, you will be required to upload a copy of your recent LADWP water bill and a copy of your copy of the sales receipt (must include brand, model number, individual price, date of purchase and proof of purchase in full). Rebates are available only to the LADWP customer of record who is listed on the LADWP bill.
Program Documents
Related Water Conservation Rebates

Flume Smart Water Monitor
Get exclusive savings on a Flume smart home water monitor to help you track your water use, catch household leaks, and more.

Free Water Conservation Items
LADWP offers free showerheads and aerators to our customers!
Other Resources

Water Conservation
LADWP offers Angelenos various programs, resources, and rebates to ensure LA doesn’t waste another drop.
This program shall at all times be subject to change or termination without notice.
By applying for an LADWP rebate and/or program, personal information provided may be subject to public disclosure by requesting parties, pursuant to the California Public Records Act.
More Information
If you have any questions regarding your rebate, please call the SoCal Water$mart Rebate Program.
- 3800 Watt Avenue
Suite 105 Sacramento CA 95821