Vendors and Bidders
Thank you for your interest in doing business with us, we believe that fostering a strong, local business community greatly benefits our city’s economy.
Fiber Optics
The LADWP’s Fiber Optic Enterprise (FOE) offers various fiber optic transport services to the Los Angeles area businesses including Metro-Ethernet, digital video transport, and dark fiber leasing to both private businesses and the public sector throughout the Los Angeles City area.
Real Estate
The Real Estate Section (RES) provides real estate services to the Water, Power, and Joint Systems.
Filming Locations
Looking for a film location? LADWP can help. For details on filming at a LADWP location, call the Film Coordination Office.

Electronic Bidding
Learn about LADWP’s Electronic Bidding System and how you can register in the electronic Request-Solicit-Procure (eRSP) system to do business with LADWP.
Small Business Support
Economic development attracts, retains, and expands businesses in Los Angeles.

Investor Relations
Learn more about LADWP’s revenues and expenditures and how it is consistent with our strategic plan.