Ensuring Reliability
For both water and power, LADWP ranks high in reliability performance metrics. LADWP continues to improve efficiency and response to emergencies by coordinating emergency response among the water system, power system, cybersecurity, communications and other teams that support the entire Department.
Power Performance
Ranked in first quartile for system interruption frequency and duration, based on 2022 benchmarking study.
Water Performance
Less than 19 leaks per 100 miles of pipes in fiscal year 2022-23—well below the national average of 25 leaks per 100 miles of pipes.
Power Resiliency and Reliability
Planned and sustained infrastructure replacement is a cost-efficient and highly effective approach to maintaining reliability. LADWP has invested significantly in the proactive replacement and upgrade of aging and undersized electrical equipment, with approximately $1.4 billion budgeted in FY 2023-24.
Through our Power System Reliability Program (PSRP), LADWP proactively inspects power equipment to identify needed repairs related to distribution, substation, transmission and generation infrastructure that is the backbone of L.A.'s power grid. Learn more about LADWP's Power System infrastructure.

Water Resiliency and Reliability
LADWP maintains a vast water system with about 7,340 miles of mainlines and trunk lines, which are critical to reliably delivering high quality water to Los Angeles residents and businesses. With a large percentage of our pipe installed at the turn of the last century, we are working to accelerate the replacement and upgrade of aging water mains and riveted-steel trunk lines. Learn more about LADWP's Water System infrastructure.