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Green Power for a Green L.A.™ Program

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Green Power for Green L.A.™ Program

The Green Power for a Green L.A.™ program gives Los Angeles residents, businesses, and governmental agencies a stake in helping to preserve and protect our environment through their voluntary contribution to support additional renewable energy. This program has helped LADWP customers achieve individual and organizational environmental goals such as reducing their carbon footprint and establishing themselves as environmental leaders in the community.

Participating in the LADWP Green Power for a Green L.A.™ Program will result in an additional charge to your bill each billing period. This is not a customer assistance program.

LADWP does not contract with any private vendors or companies to promote this program, nor does the program include installation of energy efficient equipment (i.e. solar panels) on customer property.

What is Green Power?

Renewable energy, or Green Power, is electricity produced from clean, sustainable energy sources such as the wind, water, and the sun. Some examples of the renewable technology include wind turbines, small hydroelectric turbines, and photovoltaic (solar) cells.

Contribution Information

Since electricity generated from renewable sources generally cost more than conventional non-green fuel sources, there is an additional charge that is applied to the customer’s bill for participating in this program. At enrollment, the customer can identify the percentage of their household's energy use they want to match with the purchase of green power. An additional charge of 3 cents per kilowatt-hour is applied to the percentage the customer pledges. 

    Customer Consumption (in kWh)      X    $0.03    X    % Pledged

For example, Customer “A” enrolls in the program and pledges to match 50% of their household energy use with the purchase of green power. Customer A is billed 500 kWh on their next bill for their household energy use.

500 kWh      X    $0.03    X    50% = $7.50 

Customer “A” will pay an additional charge of $7.50 on their bill for that billing cycle. 

Minimum Commitment

Residential and Small Non-Residential (Rate A-1) electric customers: 
The minimum contribution percentage is 20%.

Medium Non-Residential (Rate A-2) electric customers: 
The minimum purchase is 500 kilowatt-hours per month ($15.00 per month).

Large Non-Residential (Rate A-3) electric customers: 
The minimum purchase is 1,000 kilowatt-hours per month ($30.00 a month). Please contact your account manager to sign-up.


Green Power Calculator

Let's calculate the impact of your enrollment on your bill and the environment!

How to apply

Enrollments, modifications and cancelations can be submitted through your LADWP Online Account.  If you have any technical difficulties with cancelations, please complete this form.

Additional Resources

Renewable Energy is a form of energy that comes from natural resources and is rapidly renewed by natural processes.


By applying for an LADWP rebate and/or program, personal information provided may be subject to public disclosure by requesting parties, pursuant to the California Public Records Act.