Save energy, save money! 

Small, easy changes to your energy usage can add up to big savings! Check out a few simple tips to live a more conservation-focused lifestyle at home. 

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Replace incandescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) with light emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) to save energy and money! LEDs are more energy efficient, last longer, and help you save on your electric bill. Each light bulb that you replace with an LED can help you save up to $238 in electric costs over its lifetime and don't forget, turn off lights when not in use.

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Pool Pump and Motor

Use a variable speed pool pump and program it to run on low speed most of the time. The lower speed increases the filter efficiency, reduces pump noise, and lowers the amount of electricity used. Limit the use of high speed to vacuuming or using a pool cleaner, cleaning the filter, starting a roof- mounted solar heater, or when you need more water flow. Replacing a single speed pool pump with a variable speed pool pump can save up to 1,100 kWh annually.

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Power Strip

Be aware of “Energy Vampires.” Any appliance with a clock or ”instant on” setting is an “Energy Vampire” when it uses electricity 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unplug all non-essential appliances and electronics when not in use. Consider installing an advanced power strip, which can automatically turn off idle electronics.

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Close your Blinds

During the hot summer days, close your blinds and shades to keep cool.

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Limit the use of appliances during peak hours of the day — use washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, and other heavy appliances during evening hours. Wash your clothes in cold water to help save energy.

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Ventilate your home in the late evening by opening windows and doors to clear out the heat and allow cooler air to circulate.

Man setting temperature on thermostats

Smart Thermostat

Install and set a programmable or smart thermostat to 78 degrees when at home and switch to energy saving mode when away.

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Be sure to wait until your dishwasher is full before running it.

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Cell Phone

Don't leave your cell phone plugged in after it is fully charged.

Person looking at laptop screen

Screen Brightness

Turn down the brightness on laptops, monitors, televisions and other display devices by 30% to help conserve energy.

Ceiling Fan

Ceiling Fans

Cool your home with ceiling fans and raise the temperature a few degrees on your thermostat to use less energy without sacrificing your comfort.