Purpose of the Project

The Parthenia Trunk Line (PTL) was part of the LADWP's aggressive Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to install new water system facilities or replace existing aging system components.  The objective of the CIP was to ensure that the LADWP continues to provide a reliable and high quality water supply to the communities of the City of Los Angeles.

The PTL consisted of the installation of approximately 3.5 miles of 60-inch diameter welded steel pipeline in the San Fernando Valley. The new pipeline will be used to convey water between two major trunk lines. This enhances the water system reliability and allow for greater operational flexibility to move water through the system as demands require and also during planned or emergency outages.

Additionally, the pipeline is connected to the Tujunga Well Fields to provide supplemental water to the system as needed.

Project Details

The PTL consisted of installing approximately 18,500 feet of 60-inch diameter welded steel pipeline and appurtenances in the Panorama City community of the City of Los Angeles. The alignment is located along the following city streets:

  • Parthenia Place from Sepulveda Boulevard to Columbus Avenue
  • Columbus Avenue from Parthenia Place to Parthenia Street
  • Parthenia Street from Columbus Avenue to Burnet Avenue
  • Burnet Avenue from Parthenia Street to Roscoe Boulevard
  • Roscoe Boulevard from Burnet Avenue to Nagle Avenue
  • Nagle Avenue from Roscoe Boulevard to Canterbury Avenue

Construction Schedule

The PTL has been completed.

LADWP Contact Information

For additional information regarding this project, call Mr. Dana Taylor, Inspector, at (213) 792-5925.

Updated September 4, 2012