Project Overview
The Lower Franklin Reservoir No. 2 (LFR2) is a major storage facility in the LADWP’s drinking water system. This reservoir is covered by an existing floating cover that was installed in 1989 to maintain water quality by minimizing exposure to the environment. The existing floating cover is reaching the end of its service life. Under this project, the existing floating cover will be replaced and additional modifications to the reservoir’s inlet and outlet facilities will be made to improve reservoir circulation, water quality, and operations and maintenance.
Project Purpose
This is a critical capital improvement project and important water infrastructure investment that will maintain the water quality and water supply reliability. This project also ensures compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements regarding covered storage of drinking water reservoirs. In addition, this project will help satisfy the LADWP system operational and regulatory requirement to complete improvements and return the reservoir to full operational service no later than January 2017.
Project Location
The project site is bounded on the north by Franklin Canyon Park and on the south by N. Beverly Drive just northwest of the intersection of N. Beverly Drive and Coldwater Canyon Drive in the Beverly Hills area.

Project Scope
The LFR2 Floating Cover Replacement Project will:
- Remove and replace the floating cover
- Install a new asphalt concrete reservoir liner
- Modify an inlet spillway
- Install 425’ of new 72-inch diameter outlet pipe and valves
- Install 232’ of new 24-inch diameter drain pipe and valves
- Repave the reservoir road
Potential Impacts
All construction work will be performed within the LADWP’s LFR2 site except for minor improvements at the north entry gate at Franklin Canyon Park and at the south entry gates along Beverly Drive. The following impacts are anticipated:
- Additional traffic associated with delivery of construction equipment and materials
- Construction noise and dust
Work Hours
Mondays – Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
July 2015 – August 2015
- Reservoir will be taken out of service
- Removal of existing cover
- Mobilization, water re-use operations, and preparation of the construction area
September 2015 – March 2016
- Construction of inlet/outlet
- Modifications inside the reservoir
March 2016 – February 2017
- Construction and installation of the new reservoir liner
- Installation of new floating cover
- Repaving of the reservoir road
Contact Information
Project Manager – Antonio Medina (213) 367-5172
Construction Manager – Joe Hawkins (213) 367-4476
For more information and for future project updates call (213) 367-5172 or visit www.ladwp.com/lowerfranklin.
Updated August 6, 2015