The City Trunk Line South – Unit 3 (CTLS-3) Project consists of the installation of approximately 10,250 linear feet of 60-inch diameter welded steel pipeline and appurtenances. The project route is along Whitsett Avenue from Vanowen Street to Magnolia Boulevard in the North Hollywood area of Los Angeles. Two construction methods will be used for construction:

  1. Open-Cut: 6,064 ft.
  2. Pipe Jacking: 4,186 ft.

The CTLS-3 Project will be divided into 14 different Work Areas (WA). Dividing the project into multiple work areas will concentrate the impact of the construction to those specific sites. The project will move in a linear fashion, moving from one area to another, over the project duration. Pipe-jacking construction methods were selected to be used and  implemented along major key intersections where commercial land uses are located to alleviate traffic impact. 

Project Background

CTLS-3 is the third of six units of the City Trunk Line South (CTLS) Project, which is part of the LADWP's aggressive Capital Improvement Program to replace the City's aging water infrastructure system. The CTLS Project is a replacement of approximately 42,000 feet of 51-inch to 72-inch diameter riveted steel City Trunk Line from the intersection of Canterbury Avenue and Nagle Avenue to Franklin Tunnel near Coldwater Canyon, south of Ventura Boulevard. The new trunk line will provide a more reliable supply of water to the area and will allow greater operational flexibility of the water distribution system in the City of Los Angeles.

Construction Notifications


Work Area Start End
Phase I July 2016 June 2020
Work Area 10 July 2016 February 2017
Work Area 9 April 2017 March 2018
Work Area 6 March 2018 October 2018
Work Area 5 October 2018 April 2019
Work Area 1 May 2019 June 2020


Work Area Start End
Phase II December 2018 November 2022
Work Area 11-13 December 2019 September 2022
Work Area 14 July 2020 September 2022
Work Area 7-8 October 2021 November 2022
Work Area 2-4 August 2020 October 2021

Environmental Document

The Mitigated Negative Declaration Report (MND) is in progress. The Draft MND was released for public review on May 30, 2014. For further information, please visit


Contact Us

Eric Kim  
Project Manager  
(213) 367-0013  
[email protected]

Michael Ventre  
Community Affairs  
(213) 367-1381  
[email protected]