How to Report Fraud, Misconduct, Waste, and Abuse of City Resources

You can help the LADWP control costs and operate efficiently by reporting observed or suspected incidents of fraud, misconduct, waste, and abuse of City of Los Angeles resources.

You have the option of submitting a report either in your name or anonymously, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by contacting:

  • City Controller’s Fraud Hotline – By phone at (866) 428-1514, or online via the City Controller’s website at
  • City Ethics Commission (CEC) Whistleblower Hotline – By phone at (213) 978-1999 or (800) 824-4825.

When filing a report with the CEC’s Whistleblower Hotline, you may want to consider that it was established by City of Los Angeles Charter Section 702(g) to address allegations related to campaign finance, lobbying, governmental ethics and conflicts of interest.

Reports received by these City agencies will be handled confidentially to the extent permitted by law as specified in the Los Angeles City Charter and Administrative Code.