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Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits Program

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The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits (CAMR) program assists L.A.’s low income, multifamily property owners. CAMR will offer multifamily property owners free property assessments to identify efficiency opportunities to help owners and their residents to save energy and reduce costs. In addition, qualified property owners will receive aid with work scope development and the contractor procurement process.


Property owners can receive financial incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in both common areas and inside tenants’ units.

Number of Units For energy efficiency measures that reduce owner-paid energy costs For energy efficiency measures that reduce tenant-paid energy costs
5-64 $5,400/MTCO2e $6,750/MTCO2e
65+ $6,200/MTCO2e $7,750/MTCO2e

*MTCO2e = Metric Ton of Carbon Dioxide equivalent.

Eligibility Requirements

Participating properties must:

  • Consist of five (5) or more units
  • Meet affordability requirement of at least 66% of households at or below 80% of Area Median Income and be located in a Disadvantaged Community (DAC)
  • Properties located outside of a DAC may be eligible to participate with proof of rent regulatory agreement or provision of public assistance program documentation
  • Identify energy improvements that equate to at least 5% in electrical energy savings

In addition, project contractors must meet prevailing wage, skilled and trained workforce, and licensing requirements, as applicable.

Property owners who are able to achieve more than 5% in electrical energy savings may also be eligible to receive incentives for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems.


How to apply

Customers may submit an application online.


CAMR Solar Pilot Program

To expand solar benefits to multifamily property owners and tenants, active CAMR participants may be eligible for additional incentives for the installation of photovoltaic systems through participation in the Virtual Net Energy Metering (VNEM) pilot program.

Through the VNEM program, property owners can install solar photovoltaic systems at multifamily sites and sell the solar energy generated to LADWP. A minimum of 40% of the sales proceeds must be distributed among onsite tenants, allowing multifamily tenants to benefit first-hand from the savings solar power provides.

Photovoltaic (PV) Incentive Levels

CAMR will provide the following rebates to assist with the installation of photovoltaic systems (PV), by tax credit funding:

Leverage Types CAMR $ Per AC Watt Incentive
Yes Yes $2.30
Yes No $3.30
No No $4.70
No Yes $3.70
ITC = federal investment tax credit 
LIHTC = low-income housing tax credit
kW-ACCEC*     Incentive Adjustment Factor
≤100 100%
100 - 300 80%
301 - 500 60%
≥501 40%
*ACCEC = Module PTC x Inverter Efficiency
For system larger than 100kW, per incentive will step down based on system size (see chart)

Solar Pilot Program Eligibility Requirements

Participating properties must:

  • Meet CAMR program requirements, actively implement energy-efficiency measures through the CAMR program, and receive CAMR program incentives
  • Meet and complete VNEM requirements (more information and guidelines at
    CAMR Solar Fact Sheet

For information about CAMR events, please visit

Please note: Funding is limited and rebates are not guaranteed. This program is subject to change or termination without notice.

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By applying for an LADWP rebate and/or program, personal information provided may be subject to public disclosure by requesting parties, pursuant to the California Public Records Act.

Need help applying? Contact us.

You may also send us an email or contact us at the number below to speak with a CAMR representative.