A key element of LADWP’s renewable energy program is the development of local solar, particularly customer based programs that tap into the city’s abundant sunshine and provide residents and businesses with the ability to generate their own power.
Local solar projects help LADWP to meet renewable energy targets and reduce the carbon footprint created by fossil fuel-burning power plants. Solar also brings economic benefits for LA as a catalyst for creating jobs and stimulating the green economy. Local solar projects also support the reliability of LADWP’s power grid. They are considered “distributed generation” and function as mini power plants that generate energy right where it is used.

Solar Rooftops
SRP is designed to expand access to solar participation for qualified LADWP residential customers who otherwise may not be able to participate in solar because of the high cost of installing panels. The program launched in early 2017 and was revised to expand the program's scope and eligibility in May 2019.

Shared Solar
Shared Solar enables residential customers living in multifamily dwellings (apartments, condominiums, duplexes) to fix a portion of their electric bill against rising utility costs for 10 years, as well as support renewable energy, help create local jobs, help reduce the carbon footprint of LADWP’s generation portfolio and lessen the impact of global warming.

Virtual Net Metering
Local solar plays an important role in helping us meet our renewable energy targets, while reducing the carbon footprint of our power generation portfolio.

Utility Built Solar (UBS)
In 1998, our Utility Built Solar (UBS) program began installing solar on City-owned rooftops and parking lots to prepare Los Angeles for the growing impacts of climate change. With over 47 projects, there have been 25 megawatts (MW) of solar installed making LADWP’s energy greener. This is equivalent to the pollution reduction of powering 7,622 homes or taking 3,086 cars off the road annually.

Interconnection Program for NEM (PV), BESS, and Cogeneration Projects
LADWP’s Interconnection Program for Net Energy Metering (NEM), Battery Energy Storage (BESS), and Co-Generation is a key strategy to meeting renewable energy goals and harnessing local renewable energy resources.
Which Program is Right for You?
To make solar more widely available to residential customers, especially those in neighborhoods with less access to solar technology, LADWP offers three residential solar programs: Solar Rooftops, Shared Solar, and Virtual Net Metering (VNEM), along with Feed in Tariff (FIT), and other commercial customer programs. These programs are designed to bring communities together to help transform the City of Los Angeles into a thriving solar economy.
Solar Rooftops
Solar Rooftops expands access to solar savings for residential customers.
Shared Solar
Shared Solar allows residential customers living in multifamily dwellings (apartments, condominiums, duplexes) to participate in LA’s thriving solar economy.
Solar Feed-In Tariff (FiT)
Interested in selling energy from your renewable generator within the LADWP's service territory?
Interconnection Program for NEM (PV), BESS, and Cogeneration Projects
Interested in reducing carbon emissions while saving time and money. Learn more about photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy storage system (BESS).
Virtual Net Metering (VNEM)
VNEM expands solar PV benefits for multifamily residents and supports multi-tenant buildings with individual metering infrastructures.
Utility Built Solar
Utility Built Solar (UBS) provides cleaner energy, increases reliability of LA’s power grid, and can be used to power shelters and cooling centers during an outage or emergency.
Solar Marketplace
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